Hi! Thanks for checking out my bio!
My name is Becky and I live in Orlando. My favorite colors are blues, purples, and greens. I can’t pick just one, but if I had to, it’d be
blues purples. I have been an Instructional Designer for over 12 years. My hobbies besides blogging are: photography, reading, and watching documentaries/science/history shows. I am once again thinking about eating healthier and exercising, let’s see how I do at the end of 2016! I love learning and sharing (that’s what this blog is about).
I’ve been dating a wonderful man named Pete for over 10 years.
Until May 2011, I lived in Florida for about 22 years. We moved to Columbia, SC in May 2011, so that Pete could help at his dad’s businesses. Long story short, in August 2012 we moved back to Orlando for jobs.
I have a cat who is over 17 years old. She’s a cute tabby, who has become very attention demanding as she got older! In October 2012 she ran away from home for 5 days! I never thought I’d see her again, but we found her! Now I panic if a door is left open and search for her immediately.
I also have a Chihuahua and he’s nearly 14 years old. He’s super cute and has always been demanding of my attention and follows me around. Earlier this year he was diagnosed with kidney disease and has become increasingly pickier and picker about food that he eats. 🙁 Every day we have with him is very precious.
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Pete had a very big dog named Martog, he passed away at nearly 14 years old (July 4th was his estimated birthday) in 2012. Martog had cancer in one of his kidney’s and possibly his prostate, but he was happy and ate a lot and loved attention.
I should mention…I have a small obsession with Disney. So, you should occasionally expect blog posts about it. It’s nothing major, though we have had annual passes about half the time of living in Orlando. My favorite park is Epcot and I collect pins (especially Tinkerbell, Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, Smileys, Minnies, Bears, and whatever else I think is cute). Not nearly all the pins I have now…this pic was taken in 2010.
As far as photography, I particularly love photographing bugs, flowers, and really small things. I love the challenge. Also, I usually take a lot of pictures of friends and pets, and well, everything. Expect a lot of pictures, and you can check out my Lunajubar Photography Facebook page and Lunajubar Flickr page for more pics. In 2017, I plan to take more pictures, since 2013-present have been the years of less pictures for me, and hopefully add new things to these pages.
I’ll be sharing everything and anything from random stuff I learn, my life, product reviews, site information, things I like/love/hate, and whatever else! I sure hope you don’t mind random, because that’s what you’ll get. 😉 I look forward to your comments and can’t wait to “meet” you!
I didn’t know you were obsessed with Disney!! LOL 😉 I may have a couple of extra pins in my collection you can have. I got a bunch on sale at the Disney outlet in Orlando one time for trading. Some of them are Tinkerbell and I hate Tink!
If you would like to give them to me, I sure wouldn’t turn them down! Tink’s what started me on the whole pin trading! Oh oh!